The Pixel Farm FAQ

Is there a free trial available for Pixel Farm products?

If you create an account at, you will be able to access a 14-day trial version in your account.

Getting Started with Your Pixel Farm Products

Licenses are fulfilled manually and may take up to 24 hours or a weekend if you ordered on a Friday. Toolfarm will email you once we have confirmation that everything is done, however, you will probably see the Pixel Farm email first. Please let us know if I can answer any other questions in the meantime. We are happy to help however we can. 

After you purchase a license, you will need to sign up for an account at The Pixel Farm or log in to an existing account.

The License Server

Pixel Farm licenses are set up as floating licenses. They need to be assigned to a license server. A license server can be any computer. Other computers on the same network will also be able to use the license when it is not being used. The entitlement is in your Pixel Farm account once you receive an email from The Pixel Farm. You’ll then need to install the software and their app manager as well, the app manager is called PFBucket. Both of these videos are very helpful for getting started. 

PFAccount Overview

Video walkthrough for how to activate licenses via PFBucket 

Where Can I Find Training for The Pixel Farm PFTrack & PFClean?

The Pixel Farm has its own training called PF Academy, where users can learn PFTrack and PFClean for free! With this resource, you’ll learn everything you need to know to be proficient with PFTrack and PFClean.

How do I get support for my Pixel Farm products?

You can submit a user support ticket directly from the PFClean or PFTrack application. Your message goes straight to the support team using direct instant messaging from within the software.