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v6.x Sitni Sati FumeFX for 3ds Max

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Sitni Sati FumeFX for 3ds Max


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Sitni Sati FumeFX 6

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One of the Fastest and Most Flexible CG Fluid Dynamics Simulation Systems Available

Sitni Sati FumeFX is a high-end, professional fluid dynamics system for 3ds Max. Artists can create incredibly realistic and breathtaking effects with fire, smoke, explosions, particle systems, cloth, soft body dynamics, rigid body dynamics, geometry fracturing, and more.

FumeFX 6 is a multiphysics plug-in for 3ds max that integrates fluid dynamics with a node-based system that includes particles, rope, rigid body dynamics, cloth, soft body dynamics, inflatable soft body, voxel grid manipulation, node-based access to FumeFX simulation and sources, character animation control and other.

With over 140 ready-to-use nodes, artists can create a new range of visual effects directly inside the FumeFX package more efficiently and cost-effectively than ever before. Controlling FumeFX simulation or modifying existing caches by using a modern node-based workflow opens up endless possibilities.

Artists will benefit from direct support of Arnold points, splines, instances, volumes, custom channels, and procedurals.

Sitni Sati FumeFX for 3ds Max 6.0 new features

Sitni Sati expanded FumeFX capabilities with NodeWorks, a node-based multiphysics solution that includes particles, rope, rigid body dynamics, cloth, soft body dynamics, inflatable soft body, Voronoi fracture, flock simulation, character animation control, voxel grid manipulation, node-based access to FumeFX simulation and sources and many other tools.

NodeWorks provides direct support for Arnold points, splines, instances, custom channels, and procedurals which significantly boost productivity and flexibility.

The new Pyro Vorticity model adds fine detail to fire and smoke channels with minimal flow disruption. Also, users can now add pressure to the simulation directly from sources and have more control over the adaptive grid boundaries.

Feature film and games reel

Over the past 17 years of development and innovations, FumeFX has become integral to major studio production pipelines. It has been used to create visual effects for many blockbuster films such as Dr. Strange, Thor, Roland Emmerich’s 2012, Hugo, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Priest, Skyline, Suckerpunch, Spiderman 3, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Superman Returns, Iron Man and more. Computer game cinematics like Blizzard’s StarCraft II, Assassin’s Creed Revelations, The Warhammer Series, and many others have relied on FumeFX software to achieve stunning visuals.

Fluid Dynamics

The FumeFX simulation core has been constantly improved and refined to deliver a high level of realism with minimal simulation times. Over 17 years of successful usage in film production, video games, the advertisement industry, and other areas that require realistic fire and smoke have helped in shaping the fluid simulation package that users can rely on. Whether making a candle dancing in the wind or destroying a whole city block in 2012 movie style, FumeFX can help you deliver the shot on time and within budget.

The Solver

The QCG solver in FumeFX is optimized for speed and robustness. It has complete control over the realism vs speed balance.

Combustion with Oxygen

The Fire model within FumeFX adds Oxygen to the equation. This new component brings forth various new ways to creatively control the burn process.


With the addition of various vorticity models, you can choose from visually different curl types giving your FumeFX simulations a more unique look and feel.

Render Warps

Whether you want to create a special effect or need to tweak a final animation, with Render Warps there are many more possibilities. With just a few mouse clicks users can warp their cached simulation and watch the resulting deformation directly inside the 3ds Max Viewport, or in rendered images.


Gain creative control over almost every simulation parameter and field. With Effectors it is simple to control vorticity by velocity or to generate smoke based on any other channel value. Effectors take channel data to the next step.

Post Processing

The Post Processing lets you retime caches, bake Render Warps, convert between various formats, or improve cache fetch and save disk space by excluding channels that are no longer needed in your workflow.


It is a great time-saving solution. This allows the user to simulate multiple overlapping grids simultaneously while all fields propagate between the overlapping grid boundaries automatically.

Wavelet Turbulence

It’s never been easier to add more detail to an existing FumeFX simulation. It is a fast, memory-efficient, and predictable way to increase grid resolution.

GPU Viewport

The GPU-accelerated viewport produces render-comparable images to give instant feedback on the appearance and behavior of the simulation. Among many advantages, it supports viewport .png export during the simulation.


Developed for the FumeFX 6 release, NodeWorks delivers completely new node-based multiphysics. It includes over 140 ready-to-use nodes arranged into 15 functional groups like Dynamics, FumeFX and Voxels, Fibers, PhysX, Splines, Shapes, and Math.

sitni sati fumefx for 3ds max nodeworks


Organized into groups and clusters, NodeWorks particles are the foundation for the cloth, soft body dynamics, rigid body dynamics, fractures, and other simulations within the NodeWorks. Use Particle custom channels with Arnold renderer user data textures. In other words, it’s easy to make and use particle attributes for shading.

FumeFX 3ds Max face shatter

Face Shatter

Use various activation methods to gradually disintegrate objects on a face/polygon level.

voroni fracture

Voronoi Fracture

Fast and robust geometry fracturing using various built-in patterns, particle groups, and custom fracture contact points.



Simulate realistic behavior of fish schools, and flocking of birds or swarms with direct control over physical parameters.

FumeFX 3ds Max splines


Connect particles with splines in various ways and render them as geometry or procedurally as Arnold curves.

FumeFX 3ds Max rigid body dynamics

Rigid Body Dynamics

NodeWorks uses nVidia PhysX for rigid body dynamics as well as cloth and soft body collisions.



Fast particle mesher that includes Zhu-Bridson and Anisotropic meshing model. It lets you mesh particles and FumeFX voxels.


Convert any shape of even fluid simulation into cubes.

FumeFX 3ds Max animation


Extensive support for node-based shape animation – play, stop, or switch animation based on other events.

FumeFX 3ds Maxrendering


Full support for Arnold renderer points, curves, instances, procedurals, user data, and FStorm instances.


Voxel-related nodes allow integration with FumeFX simulation, cache manipulation, and custom voxel field creation. Directly access and modify the content of each voxel. This gives you endless possibilities!

Custom Force Fields

Complete node-based freedom in sculpting your force field – cached and used with particles or fluid simulations.

FumeFX Sources and Collisions

Sources integration with particles, cloth, rigid body dynamics, splines, and all other NodeWorks features provide ultimate emission control.

Particle Advection

The built-in particle advection node allows users to move millions of particles over the existing FumeFX simulation caches.

Cloth and Soft Body

NodeWorks’ particle-based cloth and soft body dynamics can create a vast range of visual effects that interact with FumeFX fluid simulations. Fully supported effects include tear and plasticity.

FumeFX 3ds Max interaction

FumeFX Interaction

One of the most important aspects of NodeWorks is the integration with FumeFX simulation. Artists now have a unique solution to use cloth and softy body objects as FumeFX sources or obstacles.


Cloth is formed by creating three different fiber types on the object’s surface: stretch, shear, and bend. Stretch, tear, or permanently deform (plasticity) cloth.

FumeFX 3ds Max softbody

Soft Body

Soft body objects contain fibers throughout the object’s interior. To explain, this provides additional structural support.

Inflatable Soft Body

Using the buoyancy option, this soft body type allows users to inflate objects gradually. Then, float them in the air.


A solid material can undergo permanent deformations as a response to external forces. It is observed in most materials and it is an essential asset to achieve realistic cloth and soft body simulations.

FumeFX 3ds Max tear


The node-based workflow allows artists to select and tweak each fiber in the system, as well as precisely time and position fiber tear.


FumeFX for 3ds Max has various levels of support for 3ds Max Scanline, Arnold, Redshift, Corona render, and FStorm. Other renderers like Octane and VRay can render FumeFX caches by using the OpenVDB file format.


Deeply integrated with Arnold renderer, FumeFX and NodeWorks include direct support for rendering volumes, points, splines, instances, procedurals, and user data.

Redshift and Corona

Those two renderers have direct support for rendering FumeFX volumes where the user does not need to export caches to the .vdb file and use volume grids.


FStorm supports the rendering of NodeWorks shape instances.

Autodesk 3ds Max 2019 – 2024

FumeFX has been developed and tested on Windows 8 64-bit and Windows 10 64-bit. Computers with a minimum of 8Gb memory are recommended. Processors with at least SSE 4.1 are required.

1 review
100% of reviewers recommend this product
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Customer Reviews

Unbelievable realism!

This is one of the few plug-ins you really need to have for 3dsMax if you are serious about VFX. The level of detail and realism is unmatched! I tried Phoneix FD before but wasn't really happy with the results. The fire and smoke never looked the way I wanted them to look. But with Fume you can make the simulatiosn exactly look like you want them to look. The only bad thing you could think about is that the simulation times can take a while, or an hour, or three. But quality needs its time. And if you come back after a long simulation and you see the final results you'll be more than happy. The finished simulations really look photo realistic! And as far as I know it's the only affordable solution that can do photo real simulations. 5 Stars!!!!!

Would you recommend this product to a colleague? Yes

By: Moritz Lüdtke
Date: April 09, 2012


Released on 21.November.2023

New Features and Improvements

  • The FFX Burn modifier has undergone a name change to FFX Vertex Test, bringing advanced features and performance enhancements. In addition to modifying the vertex color channel, it can now write to the vertex selection weights channel. The new functionality also enables particles and scene objects to adjust vertex channels based on proximity. Alongside its existing capabilities to access FumeFX fire/smoke/temperature channels, this revamped modifier allows for a whole new range of effects.
  • Added Particle Skin modifier that supports NodeWorks particle system and groups.
  • FFX Vertex Paint modifier becomes FFX Velocity Paint with an added paint radius option.
  • Spherical and Prismatic joints added a soft limits option.
  • Spherical joint added damping attribute.


  • Scanline error about texture vertices on imported mirrored objects.
  • A spherical joint bug that could cause oscillations.
  • Import shape and geom node didn’t take altered pivot point position/rotation into consideration.
  • Objects that were mirrored didn’t import properly into the NodeWorks.
  • Display Attributes didn’t properly display PhysX joints with memory cache.
  • Voronoi shatter fragments at the wrong locations since 6.1.1.
  • Added check for dependency loop to pick nodes.
  • Spline Force direction error with 3ds max curves.
  • PhysX Set Joint Attribute node didn’t work properly with spherical joints.
  • Memory caching didn’t clear up splines on frame restore and didn’t pass custom spline color to User Data.
  • Spline Force didn’t restart the simulation if the spline was moved or changed.


Released on 03.October.2023

New Features and Improvements

  •  Added Quick Presets menu option for faster voxel grid creation and loading, converting objects to cloth, and creating rigid body dynamics with PhysX. Actions are context-sensitive so nodes and connections will depend on selected objects in the scene. This new option includes a complex preset for creating ground explosion that uses FumeFX, NodeWorks and ArnoldStandard Volume.
  • Improved disk and memory cache sizes which now result in smaller files sizes, lower memory consumption and faster caching. In some cases where millions of particles are saved to disk, caching times can be halved.
  • Added memory caching support for points display type within the Grid Display node.
  • Initialize Grid and Load Grid node added button “Create Position Helper” that will set up Object Info node and point helper for faster voxel grid manipulation.
  • ISurf node added Grid input pin so that users can mesh FumeFX smoke, fire, or temperature channels directly within the NodeWorks.
  • Import Shape node added option to import object’s spin.
  • Added Get Grid node so that users can pass Voxel Grid to other grid-related nodes.
  • Spline Force node added Grid input pin so that users can apply spline force a lot faster to the entire Voxel Grid compared to a more flexible voxel by voxel basis.
  • Spline Force added Blend mode for velocities.
  • Spline Force added an option to use NodeWorks splines and not just 3ds max splines (like spline Gen node).
  • Spline Force node added RegEx for fast and flexible selection of multiple splines that use similar naming.
  • FumeFX Force, 3ds max Forces, and Perlin Noise nodes added Grid input pins so that users can easily apply those nodes to the entire voxel grid.

Please see the full release notes here

FumeFX 6.0.3

Released 11.July.2023

New Features and Improvements

  • Added new Shape Param node which is similar to Particle Flow’s Shape Control. It allows user to procedurally change scene object parameter(s) or their modifiers on per-particle basis and use the resulting object as a particle shape.
    With just a few mouse clicks artists can generate endless variations of particle shapes or even procedurally adjust shape LOD based on the camera distance. Shape can also be changed throughout the particle life.
    FumeFX 6.0.4 screenshot
  • Object Param node will now display most of modifiers as well.
  • Added Constant node to display value in header.
  • Load Cache node added automatic range option.
  • Rotate node added predefined axis.
  • Added optimization in the cases where there are many particle deletions and creation throughout simulation. In some scenes this optimization can result with 50% simulation time reduction.


  • Fixed Gen on Surface node – Cluster by Object didn’t work properly.
  • Fixed Object Params node did set keys to object when animate button was enabled.


FumeFX 6.0.3

Released 19.June.2023

New Features and Improvements

  • New Text node where user can set text to the Text shape 3ds max object. In combination with Object Params node one could retrieve parameter value and display it as a text in the scene.
  • New String node that allows users to combine multiple strings.
  • New Object Properties node to set hide, freeze, renderable, display as box properties. Multiple objects including regex are supported.
  • New Seed Node that retrieves particle seed number.
  • Object List node and Object List Ref node now have Object output pin that will iteratively output all objects, one by one, just like Get Part Group would particles.
  • Object Info node added multiple objects and object index. Object input pin can now be used to connect with Object List node and to work on per-object basis which is similar to how particles work.
  • FumeFX Simple Source added option to add pressure to the simulation.
  • FumeFX Geom Source added option to add pressure to the simulation.
  • Explosion Gen change – Direction Var is now called Spread and we have added SpreadVar option.
  • Explosion Gen added Color input and Pass input and output pins.
  • Spawn Gen added Pass input and output pins.
  • Spawn Gen added color parameter to allow user to assign color to new particles.
  • Added seed pin to Get Particle Group and Get Properties nodes.
  • Changed Group Filter node that now outputs bool instead of particle.
  • Added to NodeWorks windows header Disabled/Interactive/Cache status.
  • Orientation node added predefined Alignment vectors, X,Y,Z,velocity and so on…
  • Faster Arnold rendering (cca 10%) when passing velocities to Arnold.
  • Display node to display speed in /seconds and /frame.
  • Speed Convert input in units/s output units/frame.
  • Vertex Color node – added checkbox to display components as color picker.
  • Constant node added value display in node header.


  • Location Object and Swarm nodes seed edit control was not working properly.
  • Gen on Surface node seed value didn’t affect the “face” option locations.
  • Simple Shape Material ID was not working properly with Arnold if Instance is enabled and Multimtl was used.
  • Explosion Gen auto link for vector type went to Direction instead of Position.
  • Random node with integers never reached max value.
  • If cache was missing Arnold would render a box of smoke.
  • When load cache node is used displayed particle count can be zero.
  • Object Param node didn’t update simulation if parameter/object was changing.
  • Seed node didn’t work if there were no particles.
  • FFX Wind node name was wrong and it defaulted to Object.

FumeFX 6.0.2

Released on 18.May.2023

New Features and Improvements


  • Explosion Gen particle source node for fast creation of procedural explosions with FumeFX.
  • Added Explosion Preprocess option to FumeFX that enables advanced shading of cinematic explosions.
  • Perlin Noise node added different noise types. Fractal and Turbulence noise types are now available.
  • Perlin Noise node added persistence, lacunarity, scale output parameters, and output pins for 1D and 3D noise.
  • Added Get Cluster node to allow users to read particle cluster attribute.
  • Added particle Cluster attribute output to Get Particle Group and Get Particle Attribute nodes.
  • Pyro Vorticity added smoke threshold parameter.
  • Spawn Gen adds a position jitter direction pin to jitter just along a user-defined vector.
  • Display Custom node to allow negative vector scale values.


  • Dragging the time slider was not working smoothly with more complicated scenes. Backward scrubbing was broken.
  • Grid Sources node simulation results weren’t consistent. Each run created a slightly different result.
  • The random node still took the seed from the particle when the Seed pin was connected. This prevents a user from complete control over the random number generator.
  • Curve editor – if all knots have the same Y value, then the initial display won’t show any.
  • Seed value of 0 in some cases results in wrong random numbers.
  • FumeFX can crash if there is an invalid atmospherics entry left after loading the scene with missing atmospherics (3ds max Environment dialog crashes as well).
  • NodeWorks window can crash on open – a very rare case that should be solved now.

FumeFX 6.0.1

Released on 12 April 2023

New Features and Improvements

  • FumeFX Boundless grid can now expand around the Geom Source objects even if their geometry is outside of initial grid boundaries.
  • Gen Surface node added a new “Location Filtering” rollout that contains options to generate particles based on texmap, material id, and slope. This addition greatly simplifies procedural scattering workflow.
  • Gen Surface can now generate more than 1 particle per vertex, edge, and face.
  • Added face-selected output pin to Object Test node.
  • Added Force Scale multiplier to the Spline Force node.
  • Added 3ds max 2024 support.
  • Added Arnold renderer for max 2022 – 2024 support.
  • Added Thinking Particles 7.3 support.


  • Fixed Arnold rendering issues when there was no material assigned to the NodeWorks node.
  • Fixed FumeFX Source AFC Controller by Particle Age didn’t show in the list even if selected.
  • Gen Surface node jittering offset was not perpendicular to the face normal.
  • Fixed Birth Surface node UVW output coordinates that didn’t work properly in some cases.

FumeFX 6.0

Released March 8, 2023

  • Node based system with more than 140 ready to use nodes, including:
  • Particles with groups, clusters and custom channels.
  • Easy post processing of particle caches including retiming, particle attribute change, geometry replacement and more.
  • Progressive geometry fragmentation at face/polygon level.
  • Voronoi fragmentation.
  • Rope simulation.
  • Cloth dynamics with plastic deformations and tear.
  • Soft body dynamics with plastic deformations.
  • Inflatable soft body.
  • Rigid body dynamics (PhysX).
  • Swarm – Collective behavior simulation.
  • Character animation control. Event driven animation playback with smooth animation blending.
  • Voxel grids – loading, per-voxel manipulation, caching and direct rendering.
  • Custom Voxel grid forces.
  • FumeFX caches loading, processing and re-caching.
  • Node based access to FumeFX simulation process and voxels.
  • Direct node-based addition of sources and collision objects to FumeFX simulation.
  • Direct pressure addition to FumeFX simulation for better explosion control.
  • Extensive integration with the Arnold renderer supporting point rendering, procedural rendering of splines via Arnold curves, geometry instances, volumes and custom channels.
  • ISurf particle mesher with direct Arnold motion blur support. Available meshing algorithms: Union of Spheres, Metaballs, Zhu-Bridson and Anisotropic.
  • New FumeFX Pyro Vorticity.
  • FumeFX sources can add pressure to the system.
  • New FumeFX adaptive grid control.

FumeFX 5.1.2

Released 8 April 2022
  • Adds support for 3ds max 2023 and Arnold renderer (max 2020 to max 2023).
  • DreamScape for 3ds max 2023 is now available as well.
Files are ready for download inside the FumeFX members area.

FumeFX™ v5.1 for 3ds Max


  • Object Source< is renamed to Geometry Source and it can emit from tyFlow and Particle Flow particle shape geometry.
  • Fixed crash during the NSim simulation if grid spacing was very large.


  • Added support for Arnold renderer


  • Fixed tyPreview causing crash with GPU viewport enabled.
  • FumeFX .systemscale less than one results in wrong GPU viewport display.


  • Added installation for 3ds max 2022.

FumeFX™ 5.0.7 for 3ds Max® release

August 12, 2020

With this update FumeFX adds support for the latest Arnold renderer as well as bug fixes and improvements.


  • Added support for 3rd party .vdb files for Initial State simulation.
  • Fixed Particle Source that didn’t work with the color channel controller.
  • Fixed particle system picking that could crash Particle Source with tyFlow float as vector controller.
  • Fixed FumeFX-TP birth operators that caused crash with TP 6.7+ and 3ds max 2019.


  • Added FumeFX Tex3D colors extraction without shading applied.
  • Added support for Arnold render
  • Fixed FumeFX-Redshift shader and cache sharpening.

I/O Subsystem

  • Fixed .vdb crashes if velocities were present in input caches.
  • Fixed issue where 3rd party .vdb cache velocities were not properly loaded.
  • Fixed Initial state didn’t work if Color was present inside the .fdc cache.
  • Fixed error when using .fxd as initial state could throw the file version mismatch message.


  • Added Initial State filename display in the FumeFX menu.


  • Fixed installer for 3ds max 2021 that didn’t properly install FumeFX Arnold shader.

FumeFX™ 5.0.6 for 3ds Max® release

March 18, 2020

Sitni Sati releases FumeFX™ 5.0.6 update for 3ds Max®. With this update FumeFX adds support for the Redshift® renderer (3.0.17 and up) as well as the latest Arnold

FumeFX™ 5.0.5 for 3ds Max® release

December 3, 2019 – Sitni Sati releases FumeFX™ 5.0.5 update for Autodesk® 3ds Max®. This update includes bug fixes and compatibility with Arnold


  • GPU Viewport Quality 5 now supports much higher resolution.


  • Fixed FumeFX4 solver with the Conservative advection crash.
  • Fixed Deferred caches didn’t work with Wavelet Turbulence or Post Processing.
  • Fixed Backburner simulation mode was not working.
  • Fixed Wind force that was able to set velocities inside collision geometry.
  • Fixed N-Sim crash when overlapping area was one voxel thick.
  • Fixed Freeflow source option that was still blocking the flow in some cases.

I/O Subsystem

  • Fixed IO error on .fdc files that are larger than 32Gb.


  • FumeFX 5.0.5 is built with Arnold®
  • Added Smoke and Fuel receive/cast shadows are now enabled by default.

FumeFX™ 5.0.4 for 3ds Max® release

July 22, 2019 – Sitni Sati releases FumeFX™ 5.0.4 update for Autodesk® 3ds Max®. In addition to bug fixes, this update includes GPU Viewport support for 3ds Max 2020.1 detachable viewports that allows artists to use detached view as they were using the old FumeFX preview window. FumeFX 5.0.4 adds more controls and updated preview for Turbulence Noise as well as new Affect Velocity Magnitude Mode. Another great addition is the Parameter Check dialog that allows users to quicky determine which simulation parameters were changed from their default values.


  • Added compatibility with 3ds max 2020.1 undockable viewport. You can now use it in the same fashion as the old FumeFX Preview Window.
  • Fixed when GPU viewport is in maximized ortho/persp/cam view and then changed to another persp/cam view it will stop displaying.
  • Fixed FumeFX Wind display bug with Spherical type and Linear falloff.
  • Fixed VRay lights that didn’t work inside the GPU Viewport.

User Interface

  • Added Turbulence Noise rasterized view.
  • Changed Turbulence noise parameter Offset renamed to Time Offset.
  • Changed Simulation rollout layout.
  • Changed FumeFX Wind Scale parameter is now in world units, like it is for the Turbulence Noise inside the FumeFX dialog.
  • Added FumeFX Wind to the list of objects to create from obj/sources dialog.
  • Added Parameter Check option to the FumeFX menu.


  • Fixed tyFlow particle velocities that were too large.
  • Added Affect Velocity Magnitude Mode to Turbulence Noise.
  • Added Small Detail Scale parameter to Turbulence Noise.
  • Added Small Detail Amount parameter to Turbulence Noise.
  • Added Small Detail Scale parameter to FumeFX Wind.
  • Added Small Detail Amount parameter to FumeFX Wind.
  • Added noise preview to FumeFX Wind.


  • FumeFX 5.0.4 is built with Arnold®
  • Fixed not working Falloff with Arnold® render.
  • Fixed FumeFX for 3ds max 2020 that didn’t show FumeFX and FusionWorks Render Elements.

FumeFX™ 5.0.3 for 3ds Max® release

May 05, 2019 – Sitni Sati releases FumeFX™ 5.0.3 update for Autodesk® 3ds Max®. In addition to bug fixes, this update includes new FumeFX 4 Solver option, tyFlow support, GPU Viewport Multiview, 3ds Max® 2020 support and more. With FumeFX 5 release there were many changes and improvements throughout the simulation core which inevitably led to quite different simulation results when compared to previous FumeFX version. The newly added option to use the FumeFX 4 Solver will allow users to achieve similar results compared to FumeFX 4 with benefits of FumeFX’s 5 features.

  • 3ds Max® 2020 support.

GPU Viewport

  • Added Multiview option.
  • Added Arnold light approximation to the FumeFX GPU Viewport.
  • Changed default option for Show Fire and Smoke in viewport which is now enabled by default.
  • Fixed Playback From/To parameter change didn’t trigger viewport refresh.
  • Fixed viewport update bug when switching cache files.
  • Fixed viewport update bug. In a newly created scene create a grid and run the simulation. Perspective viewport point display didn’t work until the viewport was rotated.
  • Fixed 3ds max crash if you pick Arnold Light from FumeFX Light pick dialog.


  • Added option to use the FFX4 Solver.
  • Added ability to select tyFlow particles from Particle Source.
  • Added support of tyFlow’s float and vector particle channels for the Interpolation controllers.
  • Fixed FumeFX Wind didn’t show parameters inside the Track View
  • Fixed bug where VDB files with conservative advection and sub-steps didn’t retime properly.
  • Fixed MXS that was broken pre 3ds max 2019
  • Changed Default Vorticity II values. New default for Strength is 0.9 and for Vortices Scale is 0.01.
  • Changed MXS GetPath() that will now return extension as well.


  • Fixed bug that caused Arnold renderer to hang if two or more FumeFX grids were in the scene.

What’s new in FumeFX 5.0.2

GPU Viewport

  • Fixed FumeFX GPU display offset when grid spacing was very low.
  • Fixed non-functional FumeFX GPU display on certain combination of graphic cards and drivers.


  • Fixed crash when trying to continue simulation from current frame.

I/O Subsystem

  • Added vdb support for Wavelet Turbulence simulation.
  • Fixed presets saving error for 3ds max 2014.


  • Added VRay® 4 support.
  • Added Arnold® 5.2 support.
  • Added 3rd party vdb caches support for FumeFX Standard Shader and Arnold.
  • Fixed Arnold renderer could render fuel instead of smoke bug.
  • Added Standard Shader support for Arnold AOV’s – normal, motionvector and depth.

What’s new in FumeFX 5.0.1


  • Fixed FumeFX Sources created from the FumeFX toolbar had random colors.
  • Fixed Effector’s influence display in viewport.


  • Speed improvements for the QCG solver. Updated solver is now able to use nearly 100% CPUs even on machines with 20+ cores. This optimization has resulted with up to 20% faster QCG compared to FumeFX 5.0.
  • New FumeFX Wind force with artist friendly options. In addition to 3ds max Wind, the FumeFX Wind has the falloff applied to the turbulent force. It also has additional options such as falloff ranges, various falloff types and probably the most important – visualization of the Wind force field direction and strength.
  • Significant speed improvements of the 3ds max Wind force.
  • Fixed color channel bleeding during the simulation.
  • Fixed Turbulence Noise Scale Effector crash.

I/O Subsystem

  • Fixed I/O crash on machines with 48 and more threads.
  • Fixed deferred caches so they wait for large caches to be completely written to disk.


  • Added Arnold renderer support for the FumeFX Standard Shader (requires FumeFX shader license).
  • New built in FumeFX-Arnold Volume that supports Arnold’s Standard Volume shader (does not require FumeFX shader license).
  • Shader license supports FumeFX Standard Shader for mental ray and for Arnold. Old FumeFX-mr shader licenses for 3ds Max will work with Arnold as well.

What’s new in FumeFX 5.0


  • FumeFX GPU* accelerated display has been integrated within the 3ds Max viewport. The new display includes volumetric shadows, proper geometry occlusion and instant shader feedback.
  • The Data preview has been changed and allows user to choose voxel display size.
  • New FumeFX toolbar that provides access to FumeFX and source creation as well as simulation control.

(*) supports 3ds Max 2016 and newer


  • With the new advection type in the arsenal, FumeFX can easily create fluid flows that minimize numerical losses even after 900 frames of animation.
  • Simulation core redesign allows usage of complex geometry instead of using proxies without breaking the solver or causing instabilities.
  • Smooth retiming regardless of simulation sub-steps and retiming scale factor.
  • Depending on the scene setup, the latest version of FumeFX delivers up to 20% faster simulation.
  • Ability to retime simulation during the Wavelet Turbulence pass.
  • Vorticity II optimizations include faster calculations and lower memory requirements.
  • Improved simulation scaling. Grids of different spacing will result in similar simulations. FumeFX 5 also improves scaling with CPU cores used in simulation.

I/O Subsystem

  • The new lossy .fxd compression allows per-channel compression quality and mixing of lossless and lossy channels inside the same cache file.
  • State of the art multithreaded .fxd I/O for ultra fast caches saving and loading.
  • Load caches at user-defined reduced resolution allows artist easier viewport manipulation and rendering setup.
  • Minimize grid during the cache saving produces smaller files that save faster and render faster.
  • FumeFX 5 writes OpenVDB caches in a form that makes them easily readable inside the Arnold Volume Grid, Redshift grid and even Houdini. The FumeFX vdb cache will be correctly positioned which makes any OpenVDB workflow straightforward.
  • Various OpenVDB caches optimizations and fixes.


  • Gridless Advection allows usage of exported velocities or 3D texture to create additional detail.
  • Direct rendering support with Corona renderer
Particle & Fluid Simulation Plugins for 3D Hosts

Particle & Fluid Simulation Plugins for 3D Hosts

Learn about some of the tools available for creating particle and fluid simulations in your favorite 3D applications.

Flamethrower fumefx

Create a Flamethrower with FumeFX for 3ds Max

Create a realistic flamethrower simulation with FumeFX in 3ds Maxm complete with a realistic blast with rolling fireballs and billowing smoke.

FumeFX 6 Glass Fracture

FumeFX 6 Glass Fracture in 3ds Max

Learn to create realistic glass fractures with 3 different types of glass with SitniSati FumeFX 6 and 3ds Max. Try the FumeFX 6 beta!

fumefx billowing smoke and fire tutorial

Sitni Sati FumeFX Billowing Smoke and Fire

Learn how to setup a realistic billowing smoke in FumeFX. This is the type of billowing smoke that can be used for effects like pyroclastic clouds.

FumeFX and tyFlow Fluid Force

FumeFX and tyFlow Fluid Force

In this new tutorial from SitniSati, learn how to use tyFlow Fluid Force to blow some maple leaves across the desert. Watch it now!

Thanos Portal FumeFX

FumeFX Thanos Portal for 3ds Max

This tutorial for the Thanos Portal comes from SitniSati, and is, of course, inspired by the Avengers Infinity War. Watch it now!

Sitni Sati FumeFX for 3ds Max

Rendering FumeFX in 3ds Max

Check out this great Tutorial from Sam Wickert on rendering FumeFX in Autodesk 3ds Max for Adobe After Effects. Well, thats a doozy…. better just watch the tutorial!

FumeFX logo

FumeFX Pyro Explosion Shader

Carlos Parmentier has a nice tutorial on using the Pyro explosion shader in FumeFX to get exactly the look you want.

Sitni Sati FumeFX for 3ds Max

Creating a Tornado with RealFlow and FumeFx

Using Next Limit RealFlow and SitniSati FumeFx for Autodesk 3ds Max you can create a twister of this very nature! Watch this tutorial to see how!

FumeFX logo

Create a Fireball with Autodesk 3Ds Max and Sitni Sati FumeFX

Vikrant Dalai explains how to make a fireball with a smoke trail for use in your space war film, video game or dinosaur extinction recreation documentary.Vikrant says: "In this tutorial, I'll show you how I created this fireball with the help of 3ds Max and the FumeFX Plugin. There are different types of techniques we can use to make this effect in FumeFX - e.g. Simple Sources, Object Sources, Particle Sources, etc. But this time we will use a Simple Source. And for this purpose we are going to use three different Simple Sources, some standard lights (Target Spot & Omni), and the default Scanline Renderer."

FumeFX logo

Create a Smoke Man with 3ds Max Using FumeFX & Krakatoa

Post by Vikrant Dalal at CGtuts+ - Create an smoky ghostlike character or object using Sitni Sati FumeFX for 3ds Max and Krakatoa. He finishes in After Effects. Project file with a sample character is included.

FumeFX logo

Simulating A Campfire With 3D Studio Max, Thinking Particles & FumeFX

Madhan at CGTuts+ shows you how to create a campfire with 3ds Max,Thinking Particles,FumeFX, and Adobe After Effects. Who brought the marshmallows?


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