
In Depth Articles (43 Tutorials)

How to Choose the Right 3D Rendering Software

How to Choose the Right 3D Rendering Software UPDATED July 19

July 18, 2024

There are so many renderers available out there, and how does an artist know what to choose? Learn what the different renderers offer.

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In depth Fireworks

In Depth: Fireworks Extravaganza with Fun New Content

July 3, 2024

Each July 4 we update a collection of fun tutorials on making fireworks. Enjoy tutorials for Particular, Particle Illusion, X-Particles, more!

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Cut the Cable: Choosing the Right IP Media Protocol for Your AV Workflow

Cut the Cable: Choosing the Right IP Media Protocol for Your AV Workflow

June 4, 2024

Cut the Cables, Conquer Workflows! This guide explores NDI, SMPTE 2110, and IPMX – the leading protocols for transmitting video and audio over IP networks.

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In Depth Demo Reel. Image by Moon Bhuyan from Pixabay

In Depth: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Great Demo Reel

May 13, 2024

Get advice from seasoned pros on putting together a reel that will get you jobs! Learn what work to include on your reel, music choices, etc.

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In Depth Davinci Resolve Free vs. Studio

In Depth: DaVinci Resolve Studio vs Free (Updated for 19)

May 9, 2024

Is Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Studio version worth the investment over the free version? Yes, it is! Read DaVinci Resolve Studio vs Free to learn more.

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in depth vegetation

A Guide to Realistic Digital Vegetation Creation for 3D Landscapes

March 21, 2024

Creating immersive, realistic vegetation is an art form in itself. Learn about tools and libraries to help you create realistic vegetation.

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Between Takes work-life harmony for film and video professionals

Between Takes: Work-Life Harmony for Film & Video Creatives

March 7, 2024

Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is incredibly important for your overall well-being. Here are tips to achieve harmony.

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navigating career crossroads

Navigating a Career Crossroads: When to Move On

February 12, 2024

Michele Terpstra explores the crucial factors to consider when deciding to leave a job. Assess your satisfaction, align with long-term goals, prioritize mental well-being, evaluate financial stability, explore alternative pathways, and seek support for an informed decision.

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In depth upscaling or upsizing video

In Depth: Upscaling Video (Updated 8 Feb 2024)

February 8, 2024

If you work with old video footage in standard format or can’t shoot 4K, learn how to make the job smoother and get better results.

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Become a mentor

Nurturing Creativity: A Guide to Becoming a Mentor

January 17, 2024

Ready to spice up your creative career in 2024? Consider being a mentor. Nothing says “I’ve got this” like guiding the next generation.

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AI for Filmmakers, video Pros and Content Creators

A.I. Tools for Video Pros, Filmmakers, & Content Creators #indepth [Updated]

October 17, 2023

A.I. tools for video, filmmakers, and content creators are currently available for a lot more than you may realize. Here are tools to try!

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How to choose the best 3D application for your needs

How to Choose the Best 3D Application for Your Needs

April 25, 2023

If you are serious about creating truly amazing visuals in 3D, it’s important to choose the right 3D application for your needs.

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Michele's NAB Survival Guide

Michele’s NAB Survival Guide #NABShow

April 11, 2023

Going to NAB this year? For first-timers to NAB, this is the insider’s guide from someone who has been to almost 20 NAB Shows.

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In depth Gunfire and weapons sound design

In Depth: Gunfire and Weapon Sound Effects UPDATED

February 13, 2023

In any action film or video game, the sound is as important as the visuals. In this article, we’ll focus specifically on Gunfire and Weapon Sound Effects. UPDATED

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In Depth: why Should I use V-Ray?

In Depth: Why Should I Use V-Ray?

August 19, 2022

V-Ray is a powerful 3D rendering system that was built for designers, architects, and jack-of-all-trades. Learn about how artists use V-Ray.

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